Just 4 Fun: 07082012 #Adobe #Photoshop #LightRoom #CS6

A friend had some pix she wasn’t 100% happy with so I thought this would be a good chance to practice some Adobe LightRoom 4.
I didn’t have the program for a while because my free trial ran out =D but now that Adobe added it to the Creative Cloud I’M BACK =D

Out of all the shots, I think I liked this one the best and it’s the one I did the least too =D The photographer and Thalia got a good one here.


What I set out to do was fix one of the pix in Adobe Photoshop CS6, bring it into LightRoom 4 to make the color and tonal adjustments, then make a preset based off the 1st image and apply it to the rest of the images.

Most of the pix have guys walking around in the background but these particular guys KILLED the shot for me, in a bad way:

This is the original image I was given.


I removed the background using the mixer brush in Photoshop. Then I brought it into LightRoom 4 for color tones and other effects.


Of the 5 pix I was working with, I started on this one first. Here is a better look at the first finished image:

Once I set everything up right for the first one, I created a custom preset to use for the pictures that follow.


With just a couple of clicks I was able to apply the same effects to the rest of the pix in LightRoom 4


I got most of my info from Lynda.com:
Up and Running with Photoshop LightRoom 4




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